Monday, July 28, 2008


Friends are the pearls of our life. This word bears its great meaning only to those who could understand the greatness of its meaning. Good friends are wonderful. They are there to support you, to help you, to comfort you, to laugh with and to create wonderful memories.What I think makes a friend are:
Loyalty. Loyal friends stick with you through thick and thin, telling you when you did something wrong and correct you.
Trustworthy. You can’t live your life afraid that the person that you trust the most is going to betray you.
Personality. True friends are somone who gets along well with you, having the same interest, same personality. How are you going to get along well with bad attitude? Communication might be the biggest problem.
Best friends are something you don’t just find right away sometimes it takes courage and time to find that special somebody that will be your buddy and your pal forever. A friend is somebody you love very much and can trust just like your brother or sister.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Aaron's whimsical mien left all of us flabbergasted. No one in the world will expect that he would turn up in such a costume. Telling parables does not require him to dress up like that! His effrontery is certainly remarkable.


Steven's disheveled hair made him look unkempt. That was what he wanted. He was under the vigil of his enemy. He had been interrogated by them many times and had proved loyal to the brotherhood by not divulging the site where the plant is.


Dominic looks at his hands as he thought he saw stains of blood on his hands. Horrible memories gleaned in his mind. He had decided to leave his gang and abjure from committing crimes. However, he was deterred by the persistence of the gang quarrying him back. He shut his eyes forcing the images out of his mind, not wary of armed men loitering in the shadows.


Beijing Olympics is round the corner as athletes from around the world train to emulate one another trying to seize the coveted gold medal. Despite the prodigious event, there was some reports of athletes taking banned drugs. I was amazed by the celerity of the authorities in expediting the checking of taking banned drugs, it certainly made sure that the event will run smoothly. Furthermore, the athlete being caught was not trivial. He was touted to win a gold medal in swimming.


News of people having dengue fever may seem to die out, however, prevention must still go on. Primary prevention of dengue mainly resides in mosquito control. There are two primary methods: larval control and adult mosquito control. Mosquito larva may seem innocuous but they only take 6 days to form an adult Aedes mosquito. Adult Aedes mosquito propagate very quickly, they can lay eggs about 3 times in its lifetime and about 100 eggs are produced each time. These eggs hatch into larva in less than a day! There is is no commercially available vaccine for the dengue virus yet, therefore, prevention are necessary. At all times, make sure there is no surfeit of water left in the open, this creates an deleterious mosquito-free milieu for us to live in.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Holidays Week 4

Oh No! The last week of June holidays. Time flies more quickly than I mention previously and I am still stuck with lots of homework including this! Oh well, got to go and finish them. Hope Mr kek wont blow up, this homework was due one day before :)